Kissing it Better

Spreading Intergenerational Joy!

March 2024

Children from Camp Hill Primary in Nuneaton get excited about our Great Granny workshop.

KiB CEO Jill Fraser says: ‘The more that can be done to encourage young and old to share stories, the greater the chances of both age groups feeling more valued, better connected, kinder and more informed citizens in the future.’

Once children have taken part in the  workshops, they are supported to visit local care homes. Here, Kathleen, 96, is trying on her new Easter Bonnet, made by children from Gledhow Primary School in Leeds, who visit regularly to share stories, music and arts and crafts sessions.

‘Our oldest relatives and family friends are a fantastic source of wonderful stories about life in the past,’ says Jill Fraser. ‘Add to that their own special memories of key national and international moments and the wisdom they gained through living through those times, they not only have the ability to inform and entertain a much younger generation, they can also gain much satisfaction from sharing their often rich and sometimes unique sources of knowledge before they are lost forever.

‘With funding from local councils and other funders, membership of KiB clubs is free to schools and includes the workshop and access to online activity packs to help children engage with their own older relatives and, whenever possible, their local care home/day centre. We also offer packages to a range of out-of-school clubs.’

Contact Jill on 07831 136152 to get involved.